Can A Person Be Both A Christian And A Racists At The Same Time

T.R. Savage
4 min readJul 29, 2020


All I Can Give To You Is My Beliefs From My Understanding Of Biblical Scripture

Every time I start to write an article I always first spend a few moments in prayer asking God to please guide my every thought and key stroke through the power of His Holy Spirit. I have studied the Scriptures now for a little over 50 years and I know a lot about all of the Canonized Books and several of the Non-Canonized ones as far as the Protestant and Catholic Churches are concerned. Yet, I make no claim to know absolutely everything about anything, yet I refuse to lie to you concerning anything, especially concerning the Scriptures. The following is my best understanding from my years of study concerning the question that is the title of this article.

My first thoughts were to answer the title question with a simple ‘No.’ But, is that really a ‘totally’ correct answer? I think that the technically correct answer would have to be yes (well sorta, you will understand more in a moment.) The reason for the yes is in my attempt not to be a Judge of anyone. My belief is that if a person is a racist when they die that they will without a doubt be condemned to Hell at their Judgement before the Judgement Seat of Christ. When a person is submerged in Baptism they are raised a ‘New Creature’ and ones old sins are washed away. But if a person rises out of the watery grave of Baptism still holding onto their old life and old hatreds all they accomplished in the Baptism was to get themselves wet. Racism is hatred, there is nothing ‘love’ about racism. If our heart is not filled with the love of God then our bodies are not the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. Why do you think that the Lord Jesus says that His own know His voice? The reason is because the Holy Spirit is His and of course He knows His own voice.

For those folks who say they hate the Jewish people because they ‘killed Jesus’ they do technically make a great error. All people of the world should rejoice that the Jewish/Hebrew people fulfilled Scripture 2,000 years ago and had the Christ ‘Jesus’ killed. The reason that the Jewish people of the time did this was because God ‘hardened their hearts’ so that they would do this and in doing so fulfill the teachings and prophesies written in the Old Testament. If the Jewish people had not done this event then you and I would not have any chance of salvation, none! Everyone who was not of 100% pure Hebrew blood was a Gentile, which before the Resurrection of Christ was not considered “a people’ even by Jesus, we were all ‘unclean.’ If you will read the tenth chapter of the Book of Acts you will gain a better understanding of what I just wrote to you. At the very end of the last chapter (28th) of the Gospel of Matthew is written what is called Jesus’s ‘Great Commission’ to His Apostles to go into all the world and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Only after the Resurrection of Christ Jesus were people like you and I eligible for salvation. Please take a few moments to read the fifth chapter of the Book of Matthew where Jesus gives a sermon known as the ‘Beatitudes’ in the first twelve verses. Jesus taught us that if we hate our brother without a cause that we are condemned already. Without a cause, as in something that a person has absolutely no say so over. If you hate a person because you think they are to ugly or to short or to tall or because they were born in another country or even in a different part of your own country, you are acting like an idiot and you are sinning. The same would stand if you hate all men or all women, or even hate them because their skin color is different from yours. These are all things that not a single one of us have had any say so in what so ever, none!

Jesus told the Apostles to go into all Nations to all people to all tongues and to teach them salvation. Jesus died on that Cross so that low life Gentiles like you and I could have a chance at the same salvation that before His Resurrection we had no avenue to. Jesus went through with all of that pain so that us non-Jews could be saved, all of us, from all Nations, all tongues, all people. Who in the heck do you or I think that we are to hate anyone of God’s children over something that they have no say over, like what skin color they were born with. When we are filled with this hate it is not those that we hate that we are condemning, it is ourselves. So yes, a person can be baptized and “call themselves a Christian”, a follower of Christ and also be a racist. A person can call themselves King Kong but that does not mean that they are. People can say anything they want to say but we all need to understand that our words can and will condemn us just as a hate filled heart will condemn us. This is true even if we do not act out our hatreds because God does know what is in our hearts and what our thoughts are. If you say that you are a Christian yet you are a racist, a person who hates their brother without a cause, you are in effect walking up to Jesus as He is hanging on that Cross and spitting in His face and telling Him He is wrong and it is you who are correct. After all, remember, Jesus was a Jew.



T.R. Savage

I am a 64 yr old Christian man who lives in Kentucky. I have been disabled for 7 yrs now. Was a long haul truck driver during 4 decades. Please do drop in.