T.R. Savage
1 min readAug 12, 2020

If We Are A Christian, We Are (A Face) Of Christ To Others

This is a question for yourself, from yourself to yourself, do you yourself refer to yourself as a Christian? Is it not a simple yes or no type of answer? If we honestly think or believe that we are a Christian do we believe that the everyday people in our lives would also consider us to be a “Christian Person?” What I am getting at is that if any other person is looking at you/me “as a Christian” then you/we are suppose to be showing them a “Christ Like” example. We Christians are suppose to walk in the “Essence” of our Creator, but do any of us honestly try to do this each and every day of our lives? The “Face” of Christianity? Each and every one of us who choose to carry the “Cross of Christ” is a Face, a Light for any who choose to be around us. Those of us who love Jesus Christ show this in the Face, the Light and the Love we show to the world around us. If we fail in our qualities of personal beings then we are failing both Jesus and we are failing the people around us. There is no question nor any doubt, none of us are perfect, but, are we at least trying to be? Please remember friends, without Faith, it is impossible to please Him and if we do not have faith our family and friends know it and, Jesus Himself knows it.

T.R. Savage

T.R. Savage

I am a 64 yr old Christian man who lives in Kentucky. I have been disabled for 7 yrs now. Was a long haul truck driver during 4 decades. Please do drop in.