T.R. Savage
3 min readAug 12, 2020


Skin Color Cannot Matter Or Our Soul Is Lost

Folks when I write these notes to you I am just telling you my honest thoughts and beliefs. So here is what I believe about what is going on in a south Georgia murder of a 25 year old black man who was jogging via information I have gleamed from news outlets and a short piece of A film I saw about 5 seconds of a few days ago. I hear that there is another video that has also now surfaced, I have not seen the new one.

As most folks here in the States know by now there was a 25 year old black man jogging in his neighborhood when he ended up on the wrong end of two point blank shotgun shells. The two white men now arrested are a father son duo. The dad is a retired Police Officer so this event has even more stench to it than what was already there on this case. It does appear that race was a major factor if not the only factor in this young mans death. To me, from what I am hearing on the News programs it seems that there needs to be a much further investigation into the Police and the Prosecutors who handled this case. In case you don’t know it already, this event happened in late February, more than two months ago but the films are just now coming out. If this event is what it seems like it is, a young man being hunted down and murdered, this is the worse case I have seen of this since that Chicago Cop chased down that 17 year old young man who only had a small knife yet he was shot about 17 times laying dead in the street.

Folks, I am going to bring these events over into a Religion spectrum but I will stay away from politics today. I know for a fact that there are some people (from many differing races) who think that their race, their skin color is the color of people whom have Souls and that no one else does. I learned that one at about the age of 22 or 23, dang near broke a wing or three falling out of my tree. There are some people who take the Biblical Scriptures out of context when the Bible is talking about keeping a “pure blood” pure, God was talking to the Hebrew People, telling them not to mix with the Nations around them, they did and look at the mess the Middle-East is today. Black people, White people, Asians, Hispanics, Indian’s and everyone else, folks, we are all Gentiles. We are the ones that Christ’s Resurrection redeemed, all of us. If we hate our neighbor without a cause, we are lost to the Fires of Hell. If a person being hated is because of something they cannot do any thing about, like what skin color they have or for being born in the wrong state or for being to short or to tall then the hater is most definitely the sinner of the two. Folks, racism is Spiritual suicide! Either we all learn to love one another or we are going to have one HELL of an Eternity.

T.R. Savage



T.R. Savage

I am a 64 yr old Christian man who lives in Kentucky. I have been disabled for 7 yrs now. Was a long haul truck driver during 4 decades. Please do drop in.